The features availableon thenokiamusicloops, among others,thereMP3/MP4Player,FMRadio,Video/AudioPlayeryou canlistenvia theaudio cable3.5 mmjackorspeakers that areavailableonthe back.
HTCofficiallyannouncedthe launch ofits newest productwith labelsRezoundHTC, mobile phonesbased onAndroid 2.3OperatingSystemforthe first phasewillbemarketedin the U.S.byVerizonOperator.
Forconnectivity,have been equippedRezoundin4GLTEmncapaipromisingdownload speeds of5-12Mbps.To support theperformance, this phone isequipped with1GBof RAMand a built inmemory of 16GB.HTCRezoundcan be obtainedthrough the operatorVerizonstartingNovember 14.Regardingthe price,will likely be onbandrolaround 300USD.
According to information,the HTCRezoundwillgetthe Android4.0update, however,no mentionofOS updatesonice creamsandwichon this phone,TheHTCpromisingbeginningin 2012Androidisgoing to getice creamsandwichonRezound.
Smartfrenlauncheda new mobile phonethat isXstr@mEV-DO,on thephone,smartfrenbrowsingfacebookoffers afree servicewithaparticularapplicationif theuser usessmartfrencard.
Xstr@mEV-DOCDMAtechnologyhas been equippedwithEVDORev.A canalsobe usedtoenjoystreamingYoutubeandtelevisionservices.Whileon the roadpeople alsowant toenjoy streamingfast,easy,andinexpensive,saysChief TechnologyOfficersmartfrenMerzaFachys.
Forcell phonebatteryXstr@mEV-DOpowered950 mAhbatteryallowsusers tolistento musicfor 12hours straight.EV-DOnot only be usedas a phone,but canalsobe usedas a modem, justplug and playwithspeedsup to 3.1Mbps.
PriceXstr@mEV-DORp: 299Thousand.Promotion ofthe first stage,smartfrengivingfree bonuswiththe12 GBactive foroneyearforeverypurchase ofEVDOphones.
MotorolaXoom2 is thedirect successorofthe previousXoom,whichresemble1280x800pxresolution10.1-inchscreenwithCorningGorillaGlassfor extra protection.Androidtabletis poweredby thelatestdual-core1.2GHzprocessor,andcomeswith1GB ofRAM and16GBof memorybuilt-instoragecapacity.Androidversionusedwas 3.2Honeycomb.
Motorola hasreally triedhardtoimproveXoom2 andas a result itweighs131gramslessthanXoomthinner4mmlongandisonly8.8mm.Xoomis also equippedwith a special coatingtopreventincidentalsparksthat coulddamage the device.The tablet isalsoequippedby a stylustoo.
But unfortunatelyMotorolastillusingthe same5MPcamerafromthe originalXoom,evenXoom2 onlyhas asingleLEDflash,instead of two.Front camera,alsoderivedfrom2MPto1.3MP.
However,endurancebatteryoffers10 hours of useforbrowsingthe Webandmorefor1 monthof standby time.
Apple has justlaunched the iPhone4S,thefirst day ofits bid(pre-sale)has beenorderedby morethan onemillionbuyers.Competitionwill bemore exciting,becausethe SamsungwithGoogle is alsogetting ready to launchNexusPrime.
Butwhenthe world's eyesfixed onthe iPhone4Sand NexusPrime,Samsungset upa surprise.AleakrevealsSamsung'slatest smartphone,with a number offairlynicespecs:SamsungGalaxySIII.
As quotedfrom pageTechRadar,leaks on theSamsungGalaxySIIIwas firstrevealed byaphotographthat is aphotograph takenfroman internalpresentationcoveredthe Samsung(visible from thearticle"Privateinternalpresentation"),seealsoa number ofspecifications ofthe SamsungGalaxySIII.
Specifications, among others,the SamsungGalaxySIIIwill be equippedwith a1.8 GHzprocessor
In addition, thepresentationiscalledthe screen onthe SamsungGalaxySIII willuse theSuperAMOLEDscreenmeasuring4.6inchHDPlus.AndroidoperatingsystemIceCreamSandwichesare alsoready to be usedinthis latestSamsungS Galaxy.
Phandroidsourcessaid,the SamsungGalaxySIIIwillbe thinnerthanits predecessor, the GalaxySII.Unlike theNexusPrime,GalaxySIIIwill not useshapedconcavescreen.
With the leakGalaxySIII,pageDaily Mailevenmentionthe iPhone4Slookslikearchaeological objects.But,untilnow there has beenno responseorofficial informationfrom SamsungaboutSamsungGalaxySIII.(umi)
After the successful release of the Samsung Galaxy Tab last year, Samsung again offer Samsung's new tablet PC Galaxy Tab 7.0 Plus. Indonesia is the world's first elected in the recent product launch of the South Korean electronics company is. On November 5, 2011, the first time in world sales will be conducted simultaneously in seven cities, Jakarta, Bandung, Surabaya, Medan, Balikpapan, Samarinda and Makassar. Samsung optimistic that with the launch of its newest product will further solidify Samsung's position as number one tablet market leader in Indonesia. By maintaining the aesthetic design 7 inch highly portable and convenient, the Samsung Galaxy Tab 7.0 Plus appear thinner and lighter with a thinness of 9.96 millimeters and weighs 345 grams. The advantages of the Samsung Galaxy Tab Plus 7.0 others are equipped with a 1.2 Ghz dual core processor. 7-inch screen size makes this tablet body fits in the hand. In addition, support by Adobe Flash and connectivity HSPA + download speeds three times faster than conventional HSDPA connection provides more comfort when surfing the internet. Samsung Galaxy Tab 7.0 Plus has an internal memory of 16 GB and has a Micro SD slot for external memory for easy file storage and data transfer. There is also a 3MP camera on the back and 2MP on the front, in addition to Samsung's TouchWiz UI interface that is placed on top of Android Honeycomb 3.2. Samsung Galaxy Tab Plus 7.0 is priced at Rp 5, 499 million alone. Samsung Galaxy Tab Plus 7.0 also can be used directly on the phone without using the speakerphone, bluetooth or handsfree, where it is an advantage not possessed similar products on the market. The tablet is more advanced because it has High Definition video (HD), social networking feeds and music player, WiFi and WiFi channel bonding 40 MHz Direct-speed with dual-core chipset, so download and transfer data very quickly. Want to be the first to use the Samsung Galaxy Tab 7.0 Plus? Visit the inaugural launch of the 5 November 2011 following later in 7th place, namely Jakarta (Pacific Place), Surabaya (Samsung Mobile Plaza, Tunjungan Plaza II), Balikpapan (Balikpapan Karya Jaya Shop and Trade Centre), Makassar (Top Selullar and Panakkukang Mall 1st floor ), Medan (Selullar 1 and Medan Fair Plaza), Samarinda (Hallo Phone and Samarinda Central Plaza) and Bandung (Bandung Electronic Mobile Plaza and Center). Independent special credit card holder, get the special price of Samsung Galaxy Tab 7.0 Plus Rp4.999.000, - (original price Rp5.499.000, -) with a free launch pack valued at Rp 1 million of exclusive leather book case, Bluetooth headset and car charger. In addition, also enjoy 0% installment over 18 months from Bank Mandiri and 12 months free unlimited data and free roaming to 10 countries from the XL, an exclusive on the launch day.
Tablet devicesare nowbecoming a trendamonglargelamsyarakatbecause it providesease ofserviceandconveniencein accessingthe dataorsurfingin cyberspace(browsing).In terms of design,the tabletrepresentsadynamiclifestyleandsupport themobility ofusersin the move.
The newtabletmeasures 7inchesuntilthe third day ofthe exhibitionisalreadysold500 units.AndroidOtherproductsare alsoattractive tovisitors.
AndroidSmartphoneUltraA891Journeyhassold over800 unitsat a price of749thousand,the normal priceRp1.499million.WifiRouter,MIFIpriced atRp499thousandbelow thenormal price of1 million.Routerstodayit has sold500 units.
"All ofourdiscount of 50percent,everyday ofthe queueis full,"saidCentrisNexianDataManager,Wirahadikusumaon the sidelines ofthe promoat BoothNexian,JCCSenayan,Jakarta,Friday, November 4, 2011.
EverydayquotaforTabletGeniusSmartphones200 unitsand400 unitsrestrictedUltraJourney.Target until theend of2500the exhibitionaccording to the Wiraentirelytoa thirddevicethatandroiddevice."ForGeniusTablettargetsthousandunitslater, the restforothers,"he said.
The enthusiasmof visitors wholined up, he says,has beenseen since9 o'clockthis morning.Visitorsare givenbraceletsas a sign ofthe queue.
Especially forMIFIRouterdoes not applysincethe queueis not as muchinterested visitorsand SmartphonesUltraTabletGeniusJourney.Toprovide opportunities forvisitors,the queueis dividedinto twostages,ie,morningand night.(ren)
This tabletweighs aboutthree-quarters of a pound and measuresonly 0.4inchesthickand has a4000mAhbattery, andthere arefrontand rearcameras, and hassupport forWiFiandBluetooth.
GalaxyPlus7.016GBmodelwill be sold atretailat a price of$ 399.99. There was noofficialmentionthe 32GB model, butif theproduct pagethathas appearedtrue then32 GBmodelwill bepriced$ 499.99.
Nokiaseems to reallyswitch fromQualcommfor windowsnewphone,ifthe news wasusedonly as amererumor,andnowthe news hasbecome a realityand officiallyannounced. Nokia andSt.Ericssonhassigned anagreementthatNokiawill useprocessor chipsbelongstoSTEricsson'snewestmobilephonewindows based. This issuewasopposed byMicrosoftwhich incidentallyis the developer ofthe OSWindowsPhone.Microsoftrecommends thatNokiais moreinclinedto useQualcomm's SnapdragonmobileprocessorphonenyaWindwos. NokiastillusesQualcommin additiontoST-Ericsson'sproducts,theARM-basedCPUlinefordual-coreU9500,U8500,andU5500,however,Nokiais still keepingonanymobile phonethat will usechipsfrom ST-Ericsson. TheNovaThorU9500is aplatformwith ahigh level of performanceintendedtocombine thetabletsand smart phoneswhich is theapplicationprocessorwithHSPA+modem21Mbp.This platform isalso working withthe latestdual-coreSMP(SymmetricMulti-Processing)ina highperformance,lowpowerneedsandcost-optimizedsolutionsforallopensoftwareplatforms.With thecombination ofdual-coreprocessors,3Dgraphicsaccelerationandhigh-endbroadbandmodemlead tofull web-browsingexperienceisincredible. ST-Ericssonspokesmansaid the use ofthese processorswillbe able tolower theprice levelphones.In fact hestates that the pricecould reachsales ofmobile phonesunder200 USD.
The firstcamerais SamsungMV800.This product isquite unique,3-inchscreen sizecan be rotatedthrough 180degrees.This is certainlygoing toallow a userwhen they want totake picturesfromcertain angles.
SamsungMV800using the16.15megapixelSchneiderlenswith5xoptical zoom.Pocket camerais also equipped withdualimage stabilizationtoensureeach imageis alwayscapturedsharply.
Products thatcost Rp3 millionis carryingsomestandard featuresthat existincompact cameras, such aspanorama feature, editphotos,up tosomeinterestinganimatedeffects.The productis claimed to besuitablefor novicesin the worldphotography.
As foruserswho have advanced,equippedSamsungNX200offers20.3megapixellensandimage sensorAPS-CCMOS.
This cameraalsohasa fairlywideISO range,ie rangingfrom100 to12,800.Thusexpected toproducegood imagesinvarious lighting conditions.
Althoughequipped witha variety of featuresusually foundon the type ofDSLRcamera,butthis product hasasmallsize.Butsupposedlyable to approachthe image qualityDSLRmodels.
"The cameraof this typecan produce imagesclose toa DSLR,because theyuseimageprocessingwhichis larger thana pocket camera,but slightlysmaller thana DSLR camera," saidBeawiharta,photojournalistfromReuterson the sidelinesIndocomtechheld inJakartaConvetionCenter, 2-6November 2011.
AccordingBeawihartaNX200cameraasavalued USD8.5 millionhavemore advanced technologythandigital SLRcamerasin general,such aseliminating themirrorthat makes itsmaller andfaster than thetype ofDSLR.
"This is thetype ofcameraof the future,because it is madeby removingall theweaknessesthat exist indigital SLRcameras,"he added.